2025 Men of the Word Conference
February 27 – March 1, 2025
Stoney Creek Hotel, La Crosse, WI
The Men of the Word Conference provides an opportunity for men to grow in their faith and walk with God through powerful teaching from the Word of God, also providing a time of worship, prayer, and the opportunity to connect with other Christian men.
Men will be inspired and motivated to live out their faith in their daily lives and to take on the leadership roles within their communities, churches, and families to become the men God destined them to be.

Dr. Mark T. Barclay is known around the nation and the world for his powerful, direct, and anointed ministry to men!
Dr. Barclay is a proven, precise leader among ministers worldwide. God has anointed him with a severely accurate prophetic ministry. For over 40 years, Dr. Barclay has traveled the world over, preaching the uncompromised Word of God and preparing God’s people for His coming.
Author of many books, curricula, syllabi, and periodicals, he has become known as a prolific contemporary writer, literally shaping the futures of many people and demanding growth of a higher caliber throughout the body of Christ.
The Mark T. Barclay National Telecast alone is reaching millions of people weekly with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Dr. Barclay is the founding Pastor of Living Word International Church, which is both a very strong world outreach center in Midland, Michigan, and a world-class network of ministries and churches. From this world headquarters church, Dr. Barclay travels extensively as a convention speaker and produces the ministry television program.

Thursday, February 27
3:00 pm – Hotel Check-In
7:00 pm – Service
Friday, February 28
6:30 – 9:30 am – Breakfast
10:00 am – Service
7:00 pm – Service
Ice Cream Social *
Saturday, March 1
7:00 – 10:00 am – Breakfast
Before Service: Hotel Check-out
10:00 am – Service
* All conference attendees are invited to a complimentary ice cream social following Friday night’s service.
“At this conference, I was saved and delivered from addiction.” – Mat
“I’ve attended this conference for over 20 years…and it has helped me draw close to God and better understand what it means to be a man of God!” – Kent